News & Information
Things to Be Mindful of During Post Surgery
After a surgical procedure, many patients make a few mistakes that set their healing time back. These are a few things to be mindful of during post-surgery.
Be Rid of Cellulite with Body FX!
Do you have cellulite on your body? Most people do. While it’s a common occurrence, not everyone likes its appearance, so they often look for different products that will help them reduce its appearance. While lotions and other products are readily available on the...
Recover from Sun Damage with These Skin Care Options
It's been a hot and sunny summer in Northern Indiana which means that many of us have spent a significant amount of time in the sun! Spending time outdoors and getting a little bit of natural vitamin D is a wonderful thing. But if you forgot the sunscreen a few...
When Is the Right Time to Start Using Botox?
Botox is an injectable neurotoxin protein that plastic surgeons and licensed injectors can provide to those looking to fight wrinkles and fine lines while achieving a more youthful appearance. Many women and men use botox to fight signs of aging while enhancing the...
World Plastic Surgery Day
July 15 is World Plastic Surgery Day! World Plastic Surgery Day originated in India where plastic surgery itself originated as early as 800 B.C. While this special day is not as well-known here in America, it is an excellent opportunity to share with our community...
Attain a More Youthful Look Without the Surgery
It is probably safe to say that we've all wished at some point that we could turn back time. Usually, it's because we have regrets. Wouldn't it be nice to go back and make a different choice or two? When it comes to your face, your regrets may involve not enough...
Patient Story: A New Confidence
Have you been struggling with confidence because of your appearance? Do you try to set your hair just right to hide a portion of your face? Are you frustrated that you don't have a "good side"? Olivia can relate. This was her life before she found Dr. Chadwell...
Patient Story: Freedom from Feeling Self Conscious
Is there something about your appearance that has bothered you your entire life? Have you ever felt self conscious or even been bullied for an aspect of your face that you felt you could do nothing about? Do you struggle to look yourself in the mirror without the...
How to Bring Life Back Into Your Lips
Looking to bring life back into your lips? Have your lips begun to thin or wrinkle? Do they lack the naturally vibrant color they once had? Dr. Chadwell at Chadwell Facial Plastics has exactly what you need! The Problem of Aging Lips Time is not a friend to...
Trending in 2021: Facial Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery has been on the popularity rise for the last several years. It has not only survived the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, it has thrived right through it. Facial plastic surgery looks to be trending in 2021 as well. But those trends might look a little...
Winter is the Season for Plastic Surgery
Winter is the season for plastic surgery! Have you been considering plastic surgery? Has it been on your bucket list for months or even years but you just haven't made it happen? If you've been waiting for a sign, this is it: Now is the time! Here are four reasons...
What To Do About Acne Scarring
If you are anything like 90% of the rest of the world, you've dealt with acne at some point in your life. It's so common that we expect to experience it during our teen years and even into our 20s. While we don't expect it to continue beyond that time frame, it's...
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