Your Complete Guide to Rhinoplasty in South Bend


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The bloodhound is known for its keen sense of smell and is often utilized in hunting and locating efforts.

Consider our comprehensive guide to rhinoplasty in South Bend as the bloodhound for the most coveted advice in seeking rhinoplasty in the South Bend area. When it comes to the nose, it’s not only important to sniff out the competition, it’s vital to find an educated, skilled, and practiced surgeon with an accessible portfolio. Before we squeeze any more nasal analogies into one paragraph, let’s dig into the how, why, and where to go for rhinoplasty.

Step One: Are You a Candidate For Rhinoplasty in South Bend?

Rhinoplasty in South BendSometimes what hereditary passes down contributes to an individual seeking rhinoplasty. In other cases, perhaps an injury or unforeseen circumstances have altered the size or shape of the nose. Whatever the reason, rhinoplasty can significantly correct and improve issues such as:

  • Lack of overall harmony of the nose in relation to the rest of the face
  • Size of the nose
  • Issues affecting the bridge of the nose (width, visible humps, depressions, etc.)
  • A bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked nasal tip
  • Odd or asymmetrical nostrils
  • Crooked or off-balance nasal profile
  • Deviated septum (or other issues that interfere with breathing)

If an individual has experienced any of the previously mentioned scenarios, consider scheduling a consultation to determine eligibility for rhinoplasty.

Step Two: Why is it Essential to Consult an Expert?

It should always be a priority to do your homework prior to scheduling any type of plastic or cosmetic surgery, including rhinoplasty. You would no sooner seek brain surgery from a general surgeon. Think of facial plastic surgery in a similar manner. Ensuring that you select a surgeon who is board certified in plastic surgery is good; selecting a surgeon who is board certified in facial plastic surgery, when rhinoplasty is the intended procedure, is even better.

Dr. Jon Chadwell is board certified by both American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. In addition, Dr. Chadwell’s years of education and experience make him highly sought after for rhinoplasty and a range of other facial plastic surgery procedures.

Another criterion to help determine the right surgeon for you is whether or not he or she has a portfolio that includes the specific surgery you’re considering. An art gallery wouldn’t accept a piece of art before seeing it! The same should apply to a surgical procedure affecting your own personal facial canvas. Dr. Chadwell has several before and after rhinoplasty images available for clients to view online to see his expertise.

Your rhinoplasty surgeon should also conduct a full consultation to discuss all aspects of the procedure, including:

  • Past and present medical history (including medications and allergies)
  • Goals, expectations, and hopes of surgery outcomes
  • Photographs with your permission
  • Advising the best treatment option(s)
  • Explanation of the surgical procedure
  • Postsurgical instructions, anticipated recovery time, and expected results

Provided that a client meets the criteria for rhinoplasty; is a nonsmoker; in overall good health, and has realistic expectations, the next step will likely include scheduling surgery.

Step 3: Rhinoplasty, Recovery, and Results

Naturally, all preparations for rhinoplasty will be provided prior to surgery. Recovery time will vary from person to person, but generally, initial recovery can take up to a few weeks. To achieve optimum results it’s imperative for patients to follow postsurgical instructions, including:

  • Maintaining a splint to protect and support the nose as long as is required
  • Avoiding touching the area surrounding the nose
  • Taking precautions when dressing and undressing
  • Ensuring the head is elevated while resting and sleeping
  • Again, Dr. Chadwell may offer additional tips and suggestions to maximize healing and recovery for rhinoplasty.

It’s important to note, that although swelling may only last a few weeks, full nose-job results may not materialize for a full year.

Once initial recovery takes place, many recipients of rhinoplasty are extremely pleased with the results. Often they love the new shape, size, and uniformity their nose reflects in balance with the face.

Last Steps and Surgical Alternatives

Not all patients are ready to take the full leap that rhinoplasty surgery entails. For those looking for a less invasive procedure, Dr. Chadwell has an alternative. At Chadwell Facial Plastic surgery, patients can opt for a non-surgical nasal reshaping procedure. Nasal reshaping can address minimal corrections to depressions, deviations, and bumps.

There is also an option for patients to receive Restylane® injections to help improve nasal symmetry and other irregularities of the nose.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty options produce instant results with very little pain, swelling, bruising, and overall recovery time.

If you feel that surgical rhinoplasty or nonsurgical rhinoplasty in South Bend are opportunities that might interest you, we would love to schedule a consultation or answer any questions you may have. Call us now at 574-280-4818.

Successful facial plastic surgery is ultimately achieved through good rapport with our patients.

Refining your face is a dramatic personal decision.  As you explore your options, know that the staff at Chadwell Facial Plastic Surgery will guide you through your decision-making process.  To us, the cosmetic process is more than just “surgery”.  Each patient has different shapes, features, contours, and personal goals.  We consider shadowing, proportion, depth, and perspective to combine medicine with artistry and ultimately achieve your new look.

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